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You'll never see the world in quite the same way again...

...well, not if Jim Mourey, Ph.D., has anything to do with it.  For example, did you know that subtle cues in your environment influence your choices and behaviors without your conscious awareness?  Jim can teach you how to make better decisions.  Did you know that the secret to improving your relationships - romantic, friendly, and professional - comes down to four simple variables that also predict how happy you are in life and at work?  Jim can teach you to have better relationships.  And did you know that improv training can make you a better, more creative marketer?  Jim can teach you how to be more creative...and have fun in the process.
Dr. Mourey explores these ideas and many more in his quest to bridge the gap between the science of academia and the practice of the real world to change lives for the better, including yours. So, please feel free to explore Jim's home on the web to learn more!

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Whether on the beach, on the subway, or on a plane, now you can take Jim with you wherever you go!


1 E. Jackson Blvd. 

Suite 7500

Chicago, Illinois 60604

t: 312.362.7663



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