Jim's research laboratory has one, simple objective: conduct meaningful marketing research that transforms lives for the better. From social influence to relationships, culture to contextual cues, Jim's research focuses on the subtle urges that make us human.

research that makes you happy...
Did you know that your sensitivity to relationships can affect the consumer choices you make? Did you know that everyday cultural experiences can make you eat more or less food or perform better or worse on math questions? Did you know that your relationship with consumer products - like Amazon's Echo (a.k.a. Alexa) and Apple's Siri - can fulfill social needs typically fulfilled by engaging with friends and family?
If these questions sound interesting to you, then you would probably enjoy Dr. Mourey's research. The goal of Jim's research agenda is to pursue important questions that both advance marketing/consumer behavior theory and address challenges facing marketing practitioners.
Dr. Mourey's research covers many relevant, exciting topics in marketing including:
Social Influence
Relationships w/ Products and People
Culture and Cultural Influence
Nonconscious Processing and Priming Methodology
Improvisation/Performing Arts and Marketing Science
Design and Aesthetics
Jim's research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Consumer Research, Psychological Science, and Social Cognition, as well as featured in print, web, radio, and television media outlets including The Atlantic, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, CNBC, The Today Show, NPR, and more. Dr. Mourey is a member of the Association for Consumer Research, the Society for Consumer Psychology, and the American Marketing Association and reviews for the journals of these respective organizations. Jim is the creator and director of the Modern Marketing Lab, his think-tank where he addresses his research questions and also produces the podcast Brand New Day and web series Street Walkers, where research and comedy combine on the streets of Chicago.
PAST THE PRIVACY PARADOX: The Importance of Privacy Changes as a Function of Control & Complexity
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (with Ari Ezra Waldman) | 2020
DYNAMIC BY DESIGN: How Incorporating Dynamism in Advertising Affects Evaluations
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research (with Ryan Elder) | 2019
Exploring Consequences for Divergent Thinking, Self-Efficacy, and Collaboration
Journal of Marketing Education | 2018
PRODUCTS AS PALS: Engaging With Anthropomorphic Products Mitigates the Effects of Social Exclusion
Journal of Consumer Research (with Jenny Olson and Carolyn Yoon) | 2017
Social Cognition (with Ben Lam and Daphna Oyserman) | 2015
CONCEALED BUT FELT: Change Blindness and the Evaluative Consequences of Dynamic Transference
The Psychology of Design: Creating Consumer Appeal (with Ryan Elder) | 2015
ONE WITHOUT THE OTHER: Seeing Relationships in Everyday Objects
Psychological Science (with Daphna Oyserman and Carolyn Yoon) | 2013
The Routledge Companion to Identity and Consumption (with David Wooten) | 2012

(Click on each title to access a copy)
Jim's research has been featured in...